o 5Busting the 9-to-5 Job Bashing: A Perspective

3 min readSep 27, 2023

These days, it seems like everyone’s trying to be their own boss. And with that shift, there’s been a noticeable increase in the number of people sneering at the traditional 9-to-5 grind. You’ve probably seen the comments: “Haha, while you’re stuck in your office, I’m out here living my best life as my own boss.” But when did bashing the 9-to-5 become a trend?

Not Everyone Hates the 9-to-5

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who works a 9-to-5 job is miserable. In fact, many people genuinely enjoy their jobs and the stability and structure they offer. So, why is there this assumption that a desk job equals unhappiness?

The Rise of Young “Gurus”

Scroll through X(Twitter) or Instagram, and you’ll find a plethora of young “gurus” and “ growth coaches” preaching about the joys of entrepreneurship. Many are barely out of their teens (15 to 19 year old) While they advocate for their own hustle, they often mock those who chose a different path. But here’s a fun fact: being self-employed isn’t necessarily a ticket to stability. Many entrepreneurs face significant ups and downs in their income.

The Illusion of Internet Success

The internet has made it easy for anyone to project a life of luxury and success. But behind those flashy Instagram posts and glorified number pinned in the bio, how many of these self-proclaimed internet millionaires have true business skills or financial security? Fast money can disappear just as quickly as it came.

The Reality Check: Entrepreneurship Isn’t a Walk in the Park

Starting a business requires more than just passion; it demands resilience, discipline, and a willingness to wear many hats. Entrepreneurs often work longer hours than their 9-to-5 counterparts, and their income can be unpredictable. They’re always on the clock, constantly thinking about how to grow and sustain their business.

The Misconception: 9-to-5 Equals Being Poor

It’s a widespread but misguided belief that those working 9-to-5 jobs are stuck in low-paying, unskilled positions. In reality, many 9-to-5 jobs offer competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for growth. Moreover, every job, regardless of its nature, requires skill and dedication.

The Social Media Distortion

The glamorization of being an entrepreneur, especially by influences, has distorted our perception of success. But how many of these influences have long-term financial stability or even health insurance? The fleeting nature of internet fame means many might not be as successful in their 60s.

The True Meaning of Success

Success isn’t just about money or being your own boss. It’s about finding fulfillment, making a difference, and enjoying what you do, whether you’re an entrepreneur or working a 9-to-5. Bashing someone else’s career choice is not only immature but also shows a lack of understanding of the diverse paths to success.

It’s time we stop idolizing one path over another and recognize the value in every profession. Whether you’re an entrepreneur chasing your dream or someone who finds joy in a 9-to-5 job, the goal is the same: to lead a fulfilling and happy life. So, let’s celebrate all forms of success and drop the unnecessary job shaming.




Digital Marketer exploring the creative side of marketing. Startup Enthusiast. Early adopter of social media. Find out more: www.arunchandrac.com