How I Learned to Thrive from Failure: A Personal Journey
I have tried enormous things, and have failed in it. These failures are not visible to people who see me from a distance. This CV of Failures is an attempt to debunk myths that most things work out for me. It is an attempt to change their perspective and help people understand that no one is having a perfect life. This idea is not mine, but after Princeton Professor Johannes Housofer wrote a cv of failure to balance the record and provide some perspective. You can find his original CV here. This CV is unlikely to be complete — it was written from memory and probably omits a lot of stuff.
Degree programs I did not get into
- 2006 — Ba Journalism Cardiff University, UK
- Ba Journalism Manipal University, Mangalore, India
- Ba London School of Journalism, UK
Clearing Degree papers
- 2007–2010 Degree Course Bachelor of Arts in Journalism,Psychology, Literature
- 2012 — Got Degree after clearing back papers
- 3+2 years to complete degree course
Post Graduate programs I did not get into
- 2012 — Post-Graduate Diploma Asian College of Journalism, Chennai, India
- Master of Art in Communication & Media: Christ University, Bangalore, India
- Symbiosis Insitute of Communication, Pune, India
Fellowship programs I never got into
- Teach for India Fellowship
- Young India Fellowship
- Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship Program
Companies I got rejected
- 2013
- Target Corporation
- 2014
- Times Now News Network
- 2016
- The New Indian Express
- Deccan Herald Newspaper
- Deccan Chronicle
- 2015
- Times Now (Social Media)
- Times of India (Entertainment Supplement)
- 2017
- Lost job in the Non-Profit I was working
- 2018
- Serious of Rejections
Major Setbacks
- Brought a set of custom-designed T-Shirt to start an online store
- Tried hands-on building a career in freelancing
- 2020
- Lost Job due to Covid-19 crisis.
If you are interested in knowing about my achievements, Check out my portfolio here
This CV of failures is not meant to be a sob story. It is simply a reminder that everyone fails, and that failure is a part of life. It is also a reminder that it is important to keep trying, even when things are tough. I have learned a lot from my failures, and I am grateful for the opportunities they have given me to grow and learn. I hope that by sharing my story, I can help others to see that failure is not the end of the world and that it is possible to overcome even the most difficult challenges.